Manage your financial processes

Finance & Accounting.

Check payment requests

Vendor relationships are critical for business success and growth. Payments to vendors and other providers need to be completed on time to gain goodwill and ensure compliance. Design your process flow so that all payment rules are automated and all stakeholders are informed. No more hand signatures on printed paper or spreadsheets!

check payment requests

Vendor additions

Are you finding it difficult to handle multiple vendors and their relationships? Let Cflow store all vendor information and also take care of the approval process while adding a new vendor.

Client invoicing

Create invoices for your clients, maintain records of all invoices generated through the week, month and year. Get them approved in time and send notifications if they get delayed.

Client invoice

Capex approvals

Capital Expenditure (Capex) approvals help you plan and track capital expenditure for your organization, help contain costs and optimize available resources more efficiently.

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