#1 No-Code Workflow Platform

Transform & streamline business processes with cloud BPM & workflow automation software.

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We’re trusted by the best in the business


Orchestrate processes with automated workflow apps.

All-in-one, next-gen workflow experience

new cflow dashboard

Trusted and loved by customers across the globe, Cflow is the preferred workflow automation software for small, medium, and enterprise businesses.

The all-in-one workflow software to get your workflows automated. Set up automation rules, make use of intuitive features like the customizable dashboard, reports & analytics. Automated process workflows dramatically improve productivity and eliminate chaos.

Built on powerful BPM methodologies, Cflow helps create efficiencies that scale as your business grows with streamlined workflow management.


What you see is what you get on Cflow!

Create custom workflow templates using the visual drag-and-drop forms designer. Do it all yourself online, no-code workflow software at its best.

Easy API Integration

Work with different third-party tools.

Integrate with G Suite, Office 365, and thousands of apps. Connect to external systems with web services, webhooks, or custom connectors.

Reliable Security and Backup

Highest importance to data.

Bullet-proof AWS Datacenters and data encryption controlled by you. Configure your backup policies and rest easy with automated backups of all data in cloud storage.

Flexible Digital Transformation

Experience Cflow without a user license.

Cflow is the only workflow software in its class to provide advanced functionality that enables people without a Cflow user license to approve a Cflow request.


Reason to choose us



Best Price

Great Support


Why should you choose Cflow?

At Cflow, we bridge the gap between business processes and technology.

Track & review on the go.

10x more organized and productive management. Review end-to-end processes anytime, anywhere, just with your mobile phone.

Cflow lets you accelerate day-to-day process workflows, save working hours, and focus on the productivity and growth of your team.

Pre-installed workflow apps that automate repetitive tasks like approval of invoices, business enquiry requests, travel/business trip expenses, purchase requests, vacation requests, etc.

Secure all your company files and documents on the cloud-based SaaS platform.

cflow workflow mobile app

Integrate with more than 1000 essential business tools.

google drive

Here is what our customers have to say about their Cflow experience

Say goodbye to paper forms, emails, spreadsheets and say hello to Cflow – Workflow Platform.

Implementing Cflow was one of the best decisions we made. We improved our invoicing process and the details captured on invoices, streamlined approvals, and save time and paperwork.

Wendy Shane

Wendy Shane

Director, Finance & Operations @CCR

“I’m really impressed with the support provided by Cflow. There has never been a time when they have kept me waiting. A product that is simple to use and a team that is smart and extremely fast are factors that help me feel reassured and confident.”

Ronald Tibay

Ronald Tibay

Senior IT Manager @ NutriAsia, Inc

“The WFH environment during the COVID-19 pandemic made it clear how inefficient our processes were. Cflow allowed us to digitize paper forms with automated workflows. If you can envision a tool for an online workflow, it can be done in Cflow!”

Stephanie Duncan

Stephanie Duncan

Registrar @ Freed-Hardeman University

“We are extremely liking CFlow. So far any issues that we’ve had once we contacted support they were able to help us resolve the issue. This has helped us take a paper process and replace it, faster and more streamlined now for us.”

Bradley Wilkins

Bradley Wilkins

Director of Technology
@Hazel Park School

Our Customers

Trusted by the world’s leading organizations

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Your business is safe with us!

gdpr compliant
hipaa compliant
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Automate your workflows, today.

Zero code, automated workflows and easy setup for your business. Start your 14-day free trial! No credit card required.